Artwork prep support

Design not quite ready for prime time? Logo looking like it partied past bedtime?

We can get fuzzy artwork spiffy in a jiffy (hey, we got our sleep), usually for cheap cheap. Just ask.

Project design services

Have an idea but need design support from people who understand apparel printing?

Ask us. We can design your project in sync with your brand identity—or, if that's AWOL, help you create one.

Apparel assistance

We're no Tim Gunn. Or Heidi Klum either! But we know our apparel brands. And we can help you identify quickly the garment or garments most likely to look, fit, print and last how you'd like. The cost? Free. Or was it nothing? You decide.

Printing process recommendations

There are many ways to get a design onto cloth. We can help you discover the possibilities and choose the method that best meets your objectives, style and budget—and works on your preferred fabric.

Brand spec matching

We've never meet a Pantone color we dislike. Okay we have. But if it's your color, we will protect it valiantly (unless it would hurt, like, a lot) by selecting colors, inks, threads and the combinations thereof* which are your brand.

Project assistance contact information

Just call us at 800.883.8668. You'll get a (99%!) real live person. Who will connect you with one or more other real live persons (we know; peoples is the plurals for persons) who can assist you. Or email us.

* Pompous as it sounds, "combinations thereof" was not written by our lawyer, a frightening person. Instead, it comes from our well-intentioned mostly technical department, which knows that when you put two colors together, you can get a third no one remembers inviting. Which is just like our lawyer.

Get total apparel printing project support at HJ Hoffman Company

What do you need to get your apparel printing project started and completed successfully?

Your logo or design cleaned up or otherwise production prepped? Color separations? Assistance selecting clothing or accessory style, fabric, color or brand? A review of the possible embroidery and printing styles and special finishes?

Whatever; just ask us!

We'll help you match your organization's culture and brand identity—and project budget—with the right printed apparel and accessories and final look and feel.

We'll even help you set up an approved list of colors and garments to help you maintain brand consistency throughout your organization. Or special packaging. Or stocking and distribution. Or rapid turnaround. Just let us know.